A Message from Our Dean

From frontline fearlessness to dialogues in diversity, LSU Health New Orleans School of Nursing students, faculty and alumni help patients, support communities and represent the very best of the nursing profession.

Dr. Demetrius Porche, Dean of the LSU Health School of Nursing

Demetrius Porche, DNS, PhD, PCC, ANEF, FACHE, FAANP, FAAN, Dean and Helen A. and James B. Dunn Professor

As we jointly struggle with difficulties too evident around us (the lives claimed by the COVID-19 pandemic; the inequities and disparities now clearly visible in our country; and increasing acts of violence stemming from systemic racism), it’s obvious that the world needs a lifeline now more than ever. I am proud of how nurses worldwide and the LSU Health New Orleans School of Nursing not only find that lifeline, but extend it time and time again. In this issue, you will read about several of the ways we are reaching out with support to those who need it most and tackling inequities to enhance nursing care and education, including:

  • Frontline Fearlessness: How our school has been making a difference to faculty and students on campus and to our local communities and state during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Next-Gen Nurse Scientists: The launch of our Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD) degree program, which is designed to prepare nurse scholars for research, academic careers and a variety of other roles, including those in clinical practice and administration.
  • Dialogues in Diversity: A unique set of School of Nursing programs that are helping to create a diverse and inclusive learning environment for students while also addressing the racial and structural inequities that lead to health disparities.

The School of Nursing has always been a community of passionate students, faculty and alumni. Your energy, your drive and your commitment to put our mission into action is making a difference. Regardless of the curves that life throws our way, I am confident that LSU nurses will be there to help patients, support communities and represent the very best of the nursing profession.

Demetrius J. Porche, DNS, PhD, PCC, ANEF, FACHE, FAANP, FAAN
Dean and Helen A. & James B. Dunn Professor
Louisiana State University Health – New Orleans School of Nursing

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