Prioritizing Self-Care for the Caregiver
The listening circle forum was designed as a way for students and faculty to express their feelings, fears and concerns while getting support from others experiencing similar issues.
The listening circle forum was designed as a way for students and faculty to express their feelings, fears and concerns while getting support from others experiencing similar issues.
A $1.25 million federal grant will improve access to mental health care and increase diversity in the nurse practitioner workforce.
The St. Charles Professorship Project provides activities and resources designed to increase nurses’ research and publishing skills, the time they can devote to research, and mentorship and collaboration opportunities.
Implementing the value of mentoring, the Peer Mentoring Program provides academic and social support for nursing students entering an educational health science center and encourages leadership in those further along in their training.
LSU Health New Orleans School of Nursing faculty, staff and partners are on a mission to overcome hesitancy, protect communities and avoid a dual pandemic.
The school’s Nursing Continuing Professional Development Program is nationally accredited through the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
The new NP Fellowship will enhance confidence, support, and job satisfaction for nurse practitioners entering the workforce.
The School of Nursing responded efficiently to the quickly changing needs of the pandemic. Upon the school’s return to normal, the school is considering how to maximize its ability to deliver a high-quality education, incorporating some lessons learned virtually.
As we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen the backbone of our medical educational community tested, and we have held strong because of the character and hard work demonstrated by every member of our team.
Faculty members are leaders in nursing. Learn about their recent presentations, publications, promotions and awards.
Beau Arch is only 5 years old. His trusted friend, Eric Pezant, is quite a bit older, having graduated from the LSU Health New Orleans School of Nursing in 2009 with a Master of Nursing degree in Nurse Anesthesia.
Learn about the exciting activities LSU Health New Orleans School of Nursing students are involved with and their achievements.
Click the title to get more information and an online form to provide third-party comments on our proposed Nurse-Midwifery Concentration.