Proud to Be a Center of Excellence in Nursing Education
The School of Nursing had to demonstrate excellence across all programs to fulfill the criteria for promoting the pedagogical expertise of faculty.
The School of Nursing had to demonstrate excellence across all programs to fulfill the criteria for promoting the pedagogical expertise of faculty.
The officers of the DNSO Board of Directors plan to develop fundraisers for the benefit of underserved communities and to coordinate a doctoral student communication board that will promote interprofessional networking
We are proud of all of our students and their accomplishments.
Faculty members are leaders in nursing. Learn about their recent presentations, publications, promotions and awards.
The Center for Advanced Learning and Simulation will bring students and clinical faculty across the LSUHSC together to foster interdepartmental collaboration.
As the nursing moves to competency-based educational standards, preceptors can significantly support students’ clinical skill acquisition in real time and significantly aid in learning experiences.
The LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans School of Nursing offers two student programs through the $1 million Nursing Workforce Diversity Grant.
Meet the two new associate deans at LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans School of Nursing.
Lessons learned from the closed COVID-19 point of dispensing site are now integrated into nursing students’ education, and the School of Nursing continues to monitor infectious disease news.
New students at the LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans School of Nursing had opportunities to connect with faculty, experienced students and each other at the 2024 orientation.
The School of Nursing’s Student Veterans of America chapter provides awareness and education about community resources that students otherwise wouldn’t have exposure to.
Nursing is a biannual digital publication distributed to all LSU Health School of Nursing alumni. If you currently do not receive Nursing, please update your information here. If you are not an alumnus and wish to receive Nursing, please sign up below.
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The School of Nursing was one of several JBI affiliates and centers conducting sessions designed to help health professionals implement evidence-based practices in their clinical settings.
Dr. Demetrius Porche, Dean of the LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans School of Nursing, was named to the seventh cohort of Ambassadors by the Friends of the National Institute of Nursing Research.
The School of Nursing’s Anatomage Table revolutionizes nursing education by providing advanced 3D anatomical visualization, allowing students to explore complex systems and perform virtual dissections with precision and flexibility.
The School of Nursing proudly showcases the accomplishments of its faculty, highlighting their promotions, national conference presentations, publications, and numerous awards, including recognition from the Great 100 Nurses and the DAISY Extraordinary Faculty Awards.
The School of Nursing is proud to recognize the remarkable contributions of its alumni.
The School of Nursing celebrates its students’ achievements, from White Coat Ceremonies that welcome future nurses into clinical practice to awards for academic and clinical excellence, recognizing their dedication to the future of health care.